Sunday, December 24

Worship on Christmas Eve

Time: 10:00 am – 11:55 pm

Northminster Presbyterian Church

December 24 – Advent IV: Restoring God’s Power
10 am – One Morning Service
The Prophet (Isaiah 9:2-7) reveals the fulfillment of the promise.  The Evangelist (Luke, Chapter 1) reveals both Zechariah’s and Mary’s astonishment at the promise of unbelievable births.

December 24 – Christmas Eve
The Light of the World Breaks Forth!

4:00 pm -The “Joyful Noise” Service – for All Ages
All of our Children’s Choirs will sing for this inter-generational service. Children of any age will be invited to participate in a “Gathered Pageant” directed by Pastor Ruth.  No rehearsal necessary! The Christmas Joy Offering will be received. Sing carols, light candles; hear and see the joy of the Christmas story!

7:00 pm - Candlelight Communion
We will sing carols, light candles, and gather at Christ’s Table to welcome his holy birth. A guest saxophonist will offer music.  Pastors Carol and Ruth will tell the stories of some of Jesus’ grandmothers. The Christmas Joy Offering will be received. Join us to hear the old, old story in a new way.

10:30 pm - Candles and Carols and Choral Music
The music prelude begins as our Chancel Choir proclaims, in song, the joy of this holy night. We will hear familiar stories, sing carols together and light candles to welcome the light of the world into our midst. Pastors Carol and Ruth will tell the stories of some of Jesus’ grandmothers. The Christmas Joy Offering will be received.  Join us as the old story takes on new meaning for our world today.
