Sunday, November 22

Session Actions - Worship & Building Use

Time: 12:00 am – 12:00 am

Northminster Presbyterian Church

On Tuesday, November 17, 2020, the Session voted on three motions from the Re-Opening Task Force.

1.   Due to the large spike in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID-19 and the proximity to holidays and potential gatherings, Session approved a motion to pause the 9 a.m. in-person worship service from November 29th forward.  This motion will be revisited in mid-January.

2.   As in-person worship will be paused.  The Session approved that in-person meetings, in the building, also be discontinued during this time period.  This motion will also be revisited in January.

3.   The Session approved that the Northminster Preschool pause in-person classes from November 25th through January.

Please note these decisions were made following good discussion and out of our concern for the safety and health of all of our members and staff.    
